[caption id="attachment_11401" align="alignright" width="300"]Image from copyblogger.com[/caption]Crafting powerful and effective copy can be a challenge. Understanding which persuasive words give your writing an extra edge, can improve the overall strength of your work. Copyblogger.com give their 5 most persuasive words and explains why you should keep them in your preverbal mental toolbox. Although these words seem simple, understanding the power behind them can make a difference in your writing.
[caption id="attachment_11401" align="alignright" width="300"]Image from copyblogger.com[/caption]Crafting powerful and effective copy can be a challenge. Understanding which persuasive words give your writing an extra edge, can improve the overall strength of your work. Copyblogger.com give their 5 most persuasive words and explains why you should keep them in your preverbal mental toolbox. Although these words seem simple, understanding the power behind them can make a difference in your writing.
The toolbox of the writer is filled with words.
In defining what I believe is a critical element of crafting effective copy, I’ll make my case by amending the famous quote from Animal Farm: “All words are equal, but some words are more equal than others.”
And there are certain power words that hold more sway over our decision making process than others. You might be surprised to find that these “power words” don’t seem … well, all that powerful.
Read entire article The 5 Most Persuasive Words in the English Language on Copy Blogger