The 5 Bad Habits of Experienced Speakers

Posted: September 17, 2011

PresentationXpert provides a list of 5 bad habits that experienced speakers suggest you avoid. By reading these tips, you will likely enhance your public speaking skills.

I’ve been through a long journey (25 years) of developing as a speaker. I started off shy, nervous and tentative. Now I’m a high energy, animated speaker and I love connecting, laughing and riffing with an audience. But along the way I’ve picked up some bad habits. Attending Doug Stevenson’s Story Theater Retreat helped me identify some of these habits. So I’m starting off this list with my bad habits and then I’ll go onto list habits I’ve observed amongst other experienced speakers.

  1. The Plastered-on smile
  2. Relying on Memory
  3. Hamming it up
  4. Power Corrupts
  5. Throwing out Random Quesions

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for the full article with detailed descriptions.



Biz Tip Source: PresentationXpert

About the Author: Olivia Mitchell is a presentation skills trainer and blogger. Visit her blog Speaking about Presenting for many more presentation tips.