Tenacity is the Cure for Excuses

Posted: January 07, 2011

What's Your Excuse? | copyblogger.com

Whatever the excuse for not achieving goals, it's not good enough. Garner some inspiration from failures like Walt Disney, e.e. cummings and Abraham Lincoln.

What's Your Excuse? | copyblogger.com

Whatever the excuse for not achieving goals, it's not good enough. Garner some inspiration from failures like Walt Disney, e.e. cummings and Abraham Lincoln.

What’s Your Excuse for Not Achieving Your Goals?

n. ik-skyoos
An explanation offered as a reason for being excused; a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or for release from an obligation, promise, etc.

I don’t have enough money.

It’s too hard to find an audience.

I don’t have enough time.

I don’t have the talent.

I started blogging too late.

I don’t have a quiet place to work.

I’m tired.

Nobody will hire me.


Leo Tolstoy wrote War and Peace while living in a small house with his wife and 13 children.

Greta Garbo held steady through seven months of hardball silence after negotiating a new (fair) contract with Louis B. Mayer. Mayer eventually caved and she got her price.

Walt Disney was a failed, bankrupt, small-time ad man before that whole mouse thing happened.

J.K. Rowling was on the dole. Her first Harry Potter book was rejected by twelve publishers. It was eventually purchased by the relatively small Bloomsbury in London, and that only because the CEO’s daughter begged him to print it.

Mark Twain sunk $300,000 of his own money (and much of his wife’s) into a typesetting machine that was eventually, brutally, made obsolete.

e.e. cumming’s first book of poetry was rejected by fifteen publishers. He self-published it, dedicated it to the fifteen rejectors, and became one of America’s greatest poets.

Crippled by depression, self-doubt, and living in a cruelly sexist era, Mary Anne Evans changed her identity to George Eliot and became one of the most beloved English novelists of all time.

Abraham Lincoln lost multiple jobs, went bankrupt, and failed in numerous bids for public office before being sworn in as the 16th President of the United States.

Georges Simenon completed each of his legendary Maigret detective novels in an undisturbed, 11-day sprint.

Isaac Asimov wrote or edited more than 500 books in his lifetime. Oh, and that’s in addition to being a professor of biochemistry at Boston University.

So you’re going to let your excuses stop you? Really?

Go ahead and drop your favorite excuses in the comments below. Then let us know what you’re going to pull off when you quit listening to them …

Biz Tip Source and author: www.copyblogger.com.

About the Author: Robert Bruce is Copyblogger Media’s resident raconteur and copywriter. When not crafting elaborate excuses, he also writes stories.