Ten Tips on Local SEO

Posted: January 20, 2015
SEO Search engine optimizationIn 2014, SEO was a major part of the vocabulary of any one involved in posting to the Web. Local SEO is a great tool, but something that hasn't been focused on, even though it's very beneficial. These ten tips can help optimize your website for local SEO, and generate more leads.
Daniel Scocco, owner of Daily Blog Tips, shares a great resource for tips about local SEO.

10 Tips About Local SEO

Local SEO can be very profitable, yet most bloggers and webmasters ignore it. If you are not familiar with the term, it refers to optimizing your website or application to search queries that have a strong local component. For instance, if someone searches for “good dentist”, Google will assume that the person is looking for a good dentist close to his or her location, and will therefore adapt the search results to that constraint. With the explosion of mobile phones, more and more search queries are getting influenced by local SEO, and that is why you should learn about it. A couple of weeks ago I came across an interesting article on Search Engine Land titled 10 Things I Learned About Local SEO In 2014. Here’s a quotation: "The World Really Is Going Mobile We all talk about it, but this past Black Friday/Cyber Monday, we saw a 100+% increase in mobile traffic to our local retailer clients." Read the entire article 10 Tips About Local SEO on Daily Blog Tips.