Take Time Off From Freelance Writing

Posted: July 06, 2016
Freelance writers Freelance writing has many benefits, including being able to work from practically any location. Of course, that works the other way, as well. Actually being able to take time off is usually difficult for most people who freelance. It is possible to take time off from freelance work and take a real vacation. Kristen Pope, writer for The Write Life, shares how to take time off from freelance writing.

Freelance Writers: How to Take Time Off (Yes, Really!)

No doubt about it, the freelance life has some perks. You can work on a deck with a glass of lemonade or even put together some prose at your local museum. Sometimes, you can set your hours and make time for a mid-morning yoga class or make a doctor’s appointment for the middle of the day. But despite these perks, it’s hard to really, truly get away as a freelancer. Sure, you can work from a hammock (full disclosure: I am typing this from a hammock on my back porch right now). But you’re still working. But getting away — not just from your typical surroundings, but also from your phone or email inbox — is possible. Here are a few tips for taking a real vacation — or as close to one as you feel comfortable taking. Pick your destination with unplugging in mind It’s hard to ignore a blinking message light on your phone. What does that little green flashing light mean? Does it mean your editor hates the piece you submitted? Read the entire article Freelance Writers: How to Take Time Off (Yes, Really!) on The Write Life.