Stay Protected on Social Media Sites

Posted: January 12, 2015
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Choices for popular social media sites numerous, including Facebook and Twitter. While it's fun and beneficial to be on these sites, they can also pose a danger to users. Learn how to stay protected and enjoy your favorite social media sites without worry. Luis Gomes, writer for PC World, shares how to keep yourself safe while on social media sites.

Protecting yourself on social networks

We all love to spend time (some would say waste time) fooling around on Facebook, Twitter, and other services. We also use these sites for serious, professional reasons. But like almost everything else on the Internet, they're inherently dangerous. Hackers can use social media to discover your private information and to deliver spam or malware. You can be stalked and bullied through social media. It can ruin your reputation, your career, and your life. So you need to protect yourself. Follow these rules and your online social life won't become anti-social. Protect your account Of course, you should never give anyone else your password to a social network. And you shouldn’t let them steal it, either. Use a long, strong password containing upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation. And use a unique password for every site. Read the entire article Protecting Yourself on Social Networks on PC World.