Social Media Can Help Your Business

Posted: January 06, 2014
Network of People - Communication LinksSocial Media is a vital part of business. The wrong type of promotion may limit the amount of people being exposed to your business. Grow your business using social media the right way.
Network of People - Communication LinksSocial Media is a vital part of business. The wrong type of promotion may limit the amount of people being exposed to your business. Grow your business using social media the right way.

Kelley McGrath, a freelance marketing professional, shares ways you can use social media to grow your business.

What to Know About the Business of Social Media

What to Know About the Business of Social Media
What to Know About the Business of Social Media

A commonly overlooked axiom in Internet culture is the fact that if you can’t figure out what a company is selling, then you’re probably its flagship product. Google, Facebook, and Twitter all provide services that are borderline indispensable, and they do it all for free. How, then, do they make their millions? The answer really shouldn’t surprise us – nor should it be a point of concern. Simply put, they are in the business of social media.

Advertising Gets Social

When YouTube began running ads before videos several years ago, users everywhere were outraged, prompting many to begin thinking that everything they’ve ever loved will eventually be monetized. The concern at the time was perhaps not entirely unjustified, but in the years since, other social sites have begun to integrate ads into the user experience with a touch more artistry.

Read the entire article What to Know About the Business of Social Media on Smedio.