Small Business CRM Option

Posted: August 23, 2016
[caption id="attachment_12809" align="alignright" width="278"]agile Image from dailyblogtips.com[/caption] A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program is a great tool for businesses that deal with customers on a daily basis. There are plenty of options out there, but they're often too expensive for small businesses. Agile CRM is a great option for small businesses, providing big features at little, or no, cost. Mark Zeni, writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares why Agile CRM is a great option for small business owners.

Looking for a CRM? Check out Agile CRM

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. Originally, the term referred to the general practices and strategies companies used to manage and interact with their customers. With the wide adoption of computers and the Internet, however, CRM became a synonym for the software used to manage those practices and strategies. You probably must have heard about other CRM providers as well. However, if you are looking for a CRM solution for your website or small business, going with providers like Salesforce is probably going to be overkill, and very expensive, as that software is designed for large corporations. One of the best solutions for small and medium businesses is Agile CRM. They have pretty much all the features that is offered by other CRM providers, but charge a much more affordable price. For instance, up to 10 users the software is completely free to use. To add to this, a complete CRM software is the one that will help automating three main business areas: sales, marketing and customer support.