Six Steps to Fix an Unproductive Day

Posted: December 05, 2017
Amanda Zantal-Wiener, writer for Hubspot, shares how to get a wasted workday back.

How to Reclaim an Unproductive Day in 6 Steps

Click. Click. Click. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. That's the sound of an unproductive day passing by. It's the sound of any day, Monday through Friday, going to waste -- where despite your best intentions, you just can't seem to get moving, or get stuff done. It happens to all of us. Seriously. But what's an otherwise industrious person to do when these days unexpectedly fall upon us? We've got some ideas -- six of 'em, in fact. 1) Remember what's in store when you're done with your tasks. Truth time: Sometimes, I bribe myself. I know how silly it sounds, but it's true. If there's a task that I've been putting off, but there's also something else I've been looking forward to doing, I'll bribe myself with the latter to get the former done. Read the entire article How to Reclaim an Unproductive Day in 6 Steps on Hubspot.