Seven SEO Myths

Posted: August 12, 2014

Myths surround many things in the world, and SEO is no exception. The hard part is determining what is fact and what is fake. Here are seven of the most common SEO myths that have been busted.

Myths surround many things in the world, and SEO is no exception. The hard part is determining what is fact and what is fake. Here are seven of the most common SEO myths that have been busted.

Jean Spencer, writer for Social Media Today, shares 7 SEO myths that have been proven false.

Content Marketing Minds: 7 SEO Myths, Busted!

When it comes to SEO, there are about a million beginner guides to getting started. They feature things like basic differences between on-page and off-page SEO, what Hummingbird was, and the importance of "original content."

Blah, blah, blah.

I wanted to know MORE! As professional content marketers, it’s important to integrate good SEO practices into everything that we do to boost search rank and site credibility. But’s it’s not always easy to put aside content production to stay informed on a topic that (though crucial) is also slightly accessory to our main jobs.

Luckily, I’m friends with a few SEO experts including Chris Boulas. Chris has been instrumental in web analytics for startups and Fortune 500 companies alike. Recently, Chris talked me through some major SEO topics. I couldn’t help but have my mind blown, as we went over SEO areas for which I thought I knew some best practices. Turns out, I was wrong.

Here are some of the key SEO myths Chris busted that all content marketers should know.

Read the entire article Content Marketing Minds: 7 SEO Myths, Busted! on Social Media Today.