Seven Apps That Help With Procrastination

Posted: February 11, 2014
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Procrastination sometimes grips even the most focused individuals. When it strikes, it can be almost impossible to get motivated again. Here are seven clever apps that can help you kick procrastination to the curb and get back on track.

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Procrastination sometimes grips even the most focused individuals. When it strikes, it can be almost impossible to get motivated again. Here are seven clever apps that can help you kick procrastination to the curb and get back on track.

Michael Ansaldo, writer for PC World, shares seven apps that can help with procrastination.

7 clever mobile apps to conquer procrastination

Call it a disease, a bad habit, or a character flaw, but procrastination spares no one from its strangling grip. Just search “procrastination” in any mobile app store, and you’ll be rewarded with a glut of solutions that promise to motivate, badger, cajole, prod, inspire or otherwise spur you into action. Before you kick another project down the road, check out these 7 apps and conquer your task-avoidance once and for all.

Yelling Mom

Yelling Mom's annoying alerts keep your tasks top-of-mind.

Yelling Mom takes its cue from the original procrastination killer—your nagging mother. This reminder app operates on the principle that the best motivation is an aggressive prodding.

Read the entire article Seven Clever Mobile Apps to Conquer Procrastination on PC World.