Send Web pages to your Kindle with new Firefox add-on

Posted: November 26, 2012

When you're cruising around the Web (and if you're anything like me) getting deeper into several layers of pages and websites as you go, you can now easily access the pages that interest you most without bookmarking them. If you use Firefox (there's also an add on for Chrome) as your browser, you can now choose to send content directly to your Kindle or Kindle app, for later reading. In three simple steps, you can be ready to deliver content, without all the extra distractions, right to your fingertips.

When you're cruising around the Web (and if you're anything like me) getting deeper into several layers of pages and websites as you go, you can now easily access the pages that interest you most without bookmarking them. If you use Firefox (there's also an add on for Chrome) as your browser, you can now choose to send content directly to your Kindle or Kindle app, for later reading. In three simple steps, you can be ready to deliver content, without all the extra distractions, right to your fingertips.

If you're a Firefox user and Kindle (or Kindle app) owner, today's your lucky day: You can now send Web pages directly to your mobile device.

Amazon has long offered the option of e-mailing documents to your Kindle, but this is only the second time Send to Kindle has branched out to a browser.

Just add the Send to Kindle extension to Firefox (it's also available for Chrome, with a Safari version coming soon), then navigate to any Web page you want to save. You can also select text on a page if you don't need the whole thing.

When you click the Send to Kindle icon at the end of your address bar (it's represented by a little 'K'), you'll see two main options: Send to Kindle and Preview & Send. (If you've selected text, you'll also see Send Selected Text.) All pretty self-explanatory, no?

Read entire article Send Web pages to your Kindle with new Firefox add-on

Biz Tip from PC World