Save a Project When It's Gone off the Rails
Posted: December 09, 2016
During the course of a project, there's always the potential for something to go wrong. Project managers play an important role in noticing when things might be falling apart and being able to get everything running smoothly again. Having a project recovery plan can bring a project that seems out of control back on track.
Karla Cook, writer for Hubspot, shares how to save a project even when it has gone off the rails.
No matter how much careful planning goes into a project, disaster can still strike when you least expect it. And when it does, it's important for project managers to know how to minimize the damage and keep the team moving forward.
Sometimes, the signs are obvious: deadlines are being missed, your communication channels aren't keeping everyone on the same page, and team members are confused about the scope of their individual responsibilities.
Other times, the signs a project is headed for trouble are more difficult to spot. Maybe team morale is a little lower than usual, or the project's output doesn't exactly meet your agency's quality standards.
If your latest project seems like it's spinning out of control, we're here to help. We've outlined a basic project recovery plan to stop the bleeding and steer your team back on track. It won't necessarily fix everything, but it's a good place to start.
Read the entire article 6 Steps to Save a Project That's Gone Off the Rails on Hubspot.