Reasons a Business Doesn't Get Results on Social Media

Posted: April 23, 2016

Social MediaThe value of social media for business is still on the rise. However, even though a business is actively involved in social media, they may not always achieve the success they're looking for. There are three main reasons why you may not be getting the results you were expecting - learn what they are, and what to do to get better results.

Eleonora Israele, guest writer for Daily Blog Tips, shares why business aren't getting the results they want on social media.

3 Reasons Why Businesses Aren’t Getting Results on Social Media

Anyone who’s run a business in the last 10 years has incessantly heard about the value of social media. Whether B2B or B2C, these social media channels have tangled the proverbial fruit of additional revenue and success in front of many business owners. Yet only about 15% of businesses have quantitative data to show success on social media. So why aren’t these businesses seeing the results they have heard so much about? 1. Look past the hype. Social media success is often like winning the lottery. You hear all about it but the odds are rarely in your favor. Well, that’s to say that often times people also have expectations that are not realistic. Social media is like any marketing channel and tactic. It needs to be realistically looked at in terms of the results than can be generated. If you think that you can create a Twitter profile or Facebook page and wake up the next morning with a million followers and likes, you’re setting yourself up for a rude awakening. Read the entire article 3 Reasons Why Businesses Aren't Getting Results on Social Media on Daily Blog Tips.