Reality Check: How to Tell if Your Marketing Content Is Actually Valuable

Posted: November 24, 2012

quality content checklistValuable content - if you're involved in marketing, you know that this is the mantra of marketing. In order to have a successful marketing campaign you have to have, well, valuable content. How do you make sure that you're hitting the mark? Make sure your content has the following qualities, and you're well on the way.

quality content checklistValuable content - if you're involved in marketing, you know that this is the mantra of marketing. In order to have a successful marketing campaign you have to have, well, valuable content. How do you make sure that you're hitting the mark? Make sure your content has the following qualities, and you're well on the way.

We marketing folk talk a whole heck of a lot about "creating valuable content." In fact, a quick site search of our own blog turned up over 1,400 results for the term "valuable content" alone. And that doesn't even include the multitude of other variations of the phrase we've used, like "helpful content," "educational content," "remarkable content," or "quality content."

But let's be honest with ourselves, marketers. Is our content actually helpful? Or is all this talk just lip service to the oft-cited "create remarkable content" inbound marketing credo?

I think some of us might be coming down too hard on our content, while others are probably being too lenient. So I thought it might be good to create a checklist of sorts that we can refer to as a reality check when we're publishing content. It might quell the fears in some anxiety-prone marketers that their content truly is valuable ... and send some back to the drawing board. Don't worry -- it's all for the love of marketing!

Read entire article Reality Check: How to Tell if Your Marketing Content Is Actually Valuable

Biz Tip Provided by Tony Bynum, Owner: Tony Bynum Photography

We marketing folk talk a whole heck of a lot about "creating valuable content." In fact, a quick site search of our own blog turned up over 1,400 results for the term "valuable content" alone. And that doesn't even include the multitude of other variations of the phrase we've used, like "helpful content," "educational content," "remarkable content," or "quality content."

But let's be honest with ourselves, marketers. Is our content actually helpful? Or is all this talk just lip service to the oft-cited "create remarkable content" inbound marketing credo?

I think some of us might be coming down too hard on our content, while others are probably being too lenient. So I thought it might be good to create a checklist of sorts that we can refer to as a reality check when we're publishing content. It might quell the fears in some anxiety-prone marketers that their content truly is valuable ... and send some back to the drawing board. Don't worry -- it's all for the love of marketing!

Read more: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33798/Reality-Check-How-to-Tell-if-Your-Marketing-Content-Is-Actually-Valuable.aspx#ixzz2DRWhA7Xv

We marketing folk talk a whole heck of a lot about "creating valuable content." In fact, a quick site search of our own blog turned up over 1,400 results for the term "valuable content" alone. And that doesn't even include the multitude of other variations of the phrase we've used, like "helpful content," "educational content," "remarkable content," or "quality content."

But let's be honest with ourselves, marketers. Is our content actually helpful? Or is all this talk just lip service to the oft-cited "create remarkable content" inbound marketing credo?

I think some of us might be coming down too hard on our content, while others are probably being too lenient. So I thought it might be good to create a checklist of sorts that we can refer to as a reality check when we're publishing content. It might quell the fears in some anxiety-prone marketers that their content truly is valuable ... and send some back to the drawing board. Don't worry -- it's all for the love of marketing!

Read more: http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/33798/Reality-Check-How-to-Tell-if-Your-Marketing-Content-Is-Actually-Valuable.aspx#ixzz2DRWhA7Xv