Read 30 Pages of a Book Every Day

Posted: January 01, 1970

[caption id="attachment_11531" align="alignright"]© Saracin - Fotolia.com[/caption]Knowledge truly is power. In my opinion, one should never lose their desire to learn new things. Why? It not only keeps your brain "exercised", but the more you know, the more in control you are. Learn something new every day.

[caption id="attachment_11531" align="alignright"]© Saracin - Fotolia.com[/caption]Knowledge truly is power. In my opinion, one should never lose their desire to learn new things. Why? It not only keeps your brain "exercised", but the more you know, the more in control you are. Learn something new every day.

Daniel Scocco encourages us to pick up a habit that will expand our knowledge.

Scientia potentia est. It means “knowledge is power” in Latin. It also means people have known for a long time that the more you know about how the world works, the better off you will be. The more you know about something, the more you’ll be in control.

Now what’s the easiest way to absorb new knowledge? Reading books. Ergo if you want to be in control of your life and to be able to take it in one direction or another, you need to read books, and lots of them.

So far I think pretty much everyone will agree. The problem then becomes, how do we make sure we are reading enough?

I, for one, wasn’t happy with the amount of books I was reading in the previous years. The average was probably 6 to 8 books per year, which I find to be a low number.

Then six months ago or so I decided to try a new strategy: I fixed a number of pages, 30, and I would read that amount every day no matter what. One can read 30 pages in 30 minutes, so it’s something you can easily accommodate into your routine. The only exception was Sunday, which is my day off from all goals, obligations and what not.

I also made sure to always read at the same time (in my case it’s first thing in the morning), which helps to create a habit.

Read the entire article Read 30 Pages of a Book Every Day, at DailyBlogTips.