Reach Your Target Audience on Social Media

Posted: November 12, 2013
When using social media, often it's geared to focus on your audience as a whole rather than a specific group. That's not always the best option. Get focused on your audience, and learn how to develop a consistent social media voice.
When using social media, often it's geared to focus on your audience as a whole rather than a specific group. That's not always the best option. Get focused on your audience, and learn how to develop a consistent social media voice.

Mike Brown, founder of The Brainzooming Group, and a huge fan of strategy, creativity, and innovation, shares with us a social media content strategy that will help reach your target audience.

Social Media Content Strategy – 4 Ideas to Better Target Your Content

What if your organization thinks “everyone” is your social media audience?

A participant in a social media content strategy workshop I conducted asked what to do if your management group believes there are no specific targets for your brand’s social media content. Her management held that whatever content she created needed to apply to “everyone.” The question sprang from discussing the importance of targeting your social media content by developing audience personas to help you produce audience-focused content.

If you’re writing to everyone with your social media content it becomes very challenging to develop a cohesive and consistent voice.  When you’re forced, in essence, to be all over the market, it’s nearly impossible to assess whether the content you are creating is meaningful to those you are REALLY trying to reach. Sure, there must be SOMEONE who cares about a specific blog post, but is it one someone or thousands of someones? If you know before you start which content is likely to resonate (or not) with key audience targets, you can be much more focused in your content.

Read entire article Social Media Content Strategy – 4 Ideas to Better Target Your Content on Brainzooming