[caption id="attachment_11540" align="alignright" width="426"]© Gajus - Fotolia.com[/caption]You don’t need years of textbook training to become an awesome email marketer. Follow the rules, follow simple guidelines, and test, test, test. Resources for delivering effective marketing emails are at your fingertips — in less than 100 words.
[caption id="attachment_11540" align="alignright" width="426"]© Gajus - Fotolia.com[/caption]You don’t need years of textbook training to become an awesome email marketer. Follow the rules, follow simple guidelines, and test, test, test. Resources for delivering effective marketing emails are at your fingertips — in less than 100 words.
Corey Eridon, Hubspot author, gives you the resources you need to become an email marketer.
The Resources You Need to Be an Awesome Email Marketer [In Under 100 Words]
First, make sure you're following the rules. Read up on Sender Score and CAN-SPAM, and check that your email list is healthy.
Now take that healthy list and segment it real good. For real efficiency, enroll it in an email workflow.
Read the entire article, The Resources You Need to Be an Awesome Email Marketer [In Under 100 Words] on Hubspot.