Pump up Your Instagram Strategy
Posted: March 03, 2015
Instagram is sweeping the nation as one of the most beneficial social media sites today. Many people are successfully using Instagram as a marketing tool. These tips help pump up your Instagram page and take your social media to the max.
Kristin Piombino, writer for PR Daily, shares how to use Instagram to boost marketing.
The best ways to pump up your Instagram strategy
Instagram users are 58 times more likely to "like," comment on or share a brand's post than Facebook users, and 120 times more likely than Twitter users,
an infographic from Salesforce says.
Plus, 58.6 percent of millennial Instagram users in Canada are more likely to remember a brand's Instagram account than they would a television commercial.
If your organization is ready to amp up its Instagram strategy—or has yet to create one—this infographic provides helpful guidelines.
Here are a few:
- Always include a description: It should be clear and engaging and should reflect your brand's message.
- Use hashtags. Create a branded hashtag, or contribute to industry and trending hashtags to expose your photos to more people.
- Track engagement. Pay attention to which filters, content and photo styles users like so you can continue to deliver images your audience wants to see.
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The Best Ways to Pump up Your Instagram Strategy on
PR Daily.