Computer viruses can wipe out the entire contents of the hard drive. In addition to data loss, it can also put the owner of the computer at risk for personal data being seen by the wrong people. Learn what you can do to protect a computer from a possible virus infection.
Jeremy Kirk, writer for PC World, shares how to protect yourself from a virus.
A malware researcher has found a few tricks to stop one of the latest types of ransomware, called Locky, from infecting a computer without using any security programs.
Ransomware is malware that encrypts a computer’s files. Users are shown instructions for how to pay a fee to get the decryption key. The costs can range from a few hundreds dollars to thousands, payable to cybercriminals in bitcoin.
Locky is a relative newcomer to the ransomware scene, which computer security researchers first saw over the last few months. It is primarily distributed through spam messages that try to trick people into opening attachments, such as fake invoices.
But researchers have frequently found coding problems or weaknesses in ransomware programs. Locky is no exception.
Read the entire article This Bag of Tricks May Help Stop a Ransomware Infection on PC World.