Press Release Writing Made Easy

Posted: May 26, 2016
newspapers---Copy-1A press release is an official announcement that an organization issues to the news media and beyond. Press releases are a time-tested channel to distribute important information. Writing a press release doesn't have to be a challenge. Follow these steps to create a great press release. Hannah Fleishman, writer for Hubspot, shares how to write a press release.

How to Write a Press Release

When it comes to content, sometimes old school can be a good thing (namely, when it comes to old school rap or Throwback Thursday on Instagram). But when it comes to your company's public relations strategy, being old school isn't advantageous for your business or your brand. 

Ten years ago, people still relied on morning papers for news. Today, the vast majority of your company's customers and prospects scan headlines on Twitter or see what’s trending in their Facebook feed.

People now have control over where, when, and how they consume information. As a result, public relations is no longer about feeding into a traditional news cycle; it's about providing relevant content when, where, and how your prospects, influencers, and customers will consume it.

Sounds pretty hopeless, right? Wrong. While relationship-building still helps you get into popular publications, we now have the opportunity to quit playing the waiting game and generate our own buzz. By turning your PR strategy into an inbound one, you create opportunities that weren’t there before and carve out a place for your company, building meaningful mindshare with your target audiences in the process.

One of the most crucial updates to make to your PR strategy is to think of press releases as an opportunity to connect to the audiences you care about -- including, but not limited to, reporters.

Read the entire article How to Write a Press Release on Hubspot.