Pre-season Prep

Posted: January 30, 2024
Pre-Season Hunting Prep – Mindset = Success Is it too early to start thinking about hunting season?  By my account, no, it's always the right time to start preparing for the greatest time of year. As I described in POMA's first newsletter this year, I see a lot of parallels between hunting and life. The following article by Wilderness Athlete's Josh Kirchner dives into pre-season hunting prep, but it's interesting to me because the tips he shares for preparation can be applied to anything you may be starting in life! PS: If you see me "planning" sheep hunts for this fall, just let me have this one.


Another year and another Fall hunting season lies ahead of us. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been doing some serious e-scouting, crushing workouts, and making sure you’re proficient with your weapon. It’s pre-season hunting prep time and I love this just as much as I love hunting season. For the full article, click this LINK