POMA<25 - POMA Asks, Pros Respond: Young or Hopeful Writers Writing From the I Perspective

Posted: March 27, 2013

POMA reached out to communications professionals on Facebook asking: "How to best explain to young and/or want-to-be writers, the fact "I" is a dirty word? How do you say, "No one cares about you until you gain experience and credibility?" without hurting feelings?" Veteran communicators responded.

POMA reached out to communications professionals on Facebook asking: "How to best explain to young and/or want-to-be writers, the fact "I" is a dirty word? How do you say, "No one cares about you until you gain experience and credibility?" without hurting feelings?" Veteran communicators responded.

POMA Executive Director will ask her Facebook Friends, who are primarily veteran communicators, questions that should help new and/or young outdoor communicators become successful. So, tap into POMA Asks, Pros Respond.

Thanks to all our great friends, POMA members and non-members for answer the burning question: