Play Poker With Google and Win

Posted: June 14, 2011

Play Poker with Google, and Win. Did you know that your HOME PAGE is your ACE in playing SEO poker with Google? SEO - Search Engine Optimization - is all about getting to the top of Google, for free. But, do you know the difference between TITLE and KEYWORDs? What "home page link juice" is? Attend the Home Page workshop at the POMA conference to learn your Google Aces, Queens, Deuces, and even Jokers. Playing poker with Google is fun. Winning is even more fun. Learn how.

Play Poker with Google, and Win. Did you know that your HOME PAGE is your ACE in playing SEO poker with Google? SEO - Search Engine Optimization - is all about getting to the top of Google, for free. But, do you know the difference between TITLE and KEYWORDs? What "home page link juice" is? Attend the Home Page workshop at the POMA conference to learn your Google Aces, Queens, Deuces, and even Jokers. Playing poker with Google is fun. Winning is even more fun. Learn how.

SEO Guru Jason McDonald is just one of a cadre of business experts who will be presenting at the POMA Business Conference in Ogden, Utah, Aug. 10 - 13. Make the trip to Ogden and learn from Jason in an intimate business building environment.

"In preparation for my POMA presentations, I've visited a lot of member websites" McDonald said. "There is a lot
they can do to improve their SEO/News visibility. I look forward to helping them grow their businesses."

McDonald's SEO Sessions

Home Page SEO SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is all about getting to the top of Google's free listings. Many businesses today live and die based on their rank on inbound Google searches. In this fast-paced, hands-on session, Jason McDonald will help you learn the power of your home page for SEO. Learn what the TITLE tag is and how to leverage it for SEO. Get free keyword tools that poll your customers and identify the highest volume, and highest value, search queries for you to target. Every word on your home page is worth its weight in gold; learn how to use proper HTML tags to 'sculpt' your home page into a powerful SEO beacon for Google. Even better, learn how to leverage your home page to focus attention on your website's landing pages, and how to use blogs and new content to keep Google coming back (frequently) for more. Your home page is the ACE in your SEO deck. Attend this session and learn how to use it.


News You Can Use: Using News to Create Google Buzz – The 24/7 news cycle has hit Google. Google rewards sites with frequent updates, and no updates are better than formal news releases. In the olden days of the wild West (circa 1999), news releases were sent off to real-world editors to be reviewed and hopefully incorporated into articles. But today, in addition to the real-world news process, a new news system has emerged. SEO- and Social Media-friendly news releases, hosted on your own site, intertwined with your home page, and syndicated (for free) across blogs, Twitter, portals, forums and other Internet sites. CEO's, marketing managers, and PR experts should attend this session to learn news you can use: how to create SEO-friendly news releases, and syndicate those news releases (for free) on the Internet and social media websites like Twitter and blogs, for free.