Pinterest is a No-Cost Way to Use Photos to Drive Traffic to Websites and Creative Activities

Posted: July 06, 2012

ImageOne of the problems with trying to publish affordable books is the fact that only black and white interior images are allowed. One way to compensate is to publish color images in another format, and Pinterest can accomplish this objective.

ImageOne of the problems with trying to publish affordable books is the fact that only black and white interior images are allowed. One way to compensate is to publish color images in another format, and Pinterest can accomplish this objective.

I just posted 93 images and captions in four catagories,  or “Boards” as Pinterest calls them. These are: “Guns & Game,” “Wild Game Cooking,” Crossbow & Game” and “Bowfishing.”  (If this link does not work you can also try http://pinterest.com/hoveysmith.)

One aspect that I like is that these “boards” allow you to arrange according to four subject headings and change/modify the photos or captions at any time as well as to make additions and deletions. There may be a limit to the number of boards or the number of photos per board, but I have not discovered that yet. Pinterest may also be linked to your Facebook or Twitter accounts.

A caution is that once these photos are published they should be considered “free use” with the originator using these as ads to attract traffic back to his website, books, products or activities. One way around this is to degrade any images that could be commercially important.

In our increasingly visual culture, Pinterest has exploded in traffic and user numbers. Using Pinterest is easy, cost nothing and can result in significant exposure for you and your products. It also provides you with a significant incentive to upgrade your photographic skills.