Phrases to Avoid Saying at Work

Posted: June 05, 2018
Fred Wilson, writer for Dumb Little Man, shares what phrases to avoid in the workplace.

What Not to Say At Work: 5 Phrases You Should Totally Avoid

You can never overemphasize the importance of effective communication. In both your personal and professional life, communication skills can either walk you up the ladder to success or drive you down into the abyss. You have to communicate on a daily basis to stay in sync with your co-workers and be on the same page with your boss. Knowing what not to say at work is crucial, particularly when it comes to talking with your boss. What you practice and how you talk on a daily basis builds your personality and your reputation at your workplace. You don’t want to sound too informal and yet you want to be approachable. You don’t want to seem to act over-efficient but you want to come across as an out-of-the-box thinker. So, how do you go about it? Read the entire article What Not to Say At Work: 5 Phrases You Should Totally Avoid on Dumb Little Man.