An overview of information regarding photography and law issues by Mickey H. Osterreicher, a Media & First Amendment Law attorney.
An overview of information regarding photography and law issues by Mickey H. Osterreicher, a Media & First Amendment Law attorney.
I have been asked to write a blog about legal issues facing photographers. I thought that the best way to begin was to provide a little bit of background about myself and a brief overview of some of the things that are happening on an almost daily basis throughout the country.
As Of Counsel to Hiscock & Barclay, LLP my practice area is Media & First Amendment Law. Most importantly I also serve as General Counsel to the National Press Photographers Association. Before becoming an attorney I was a photojournalist with almost forty years experience in print and television. Rather than bore everyone - for those who want to know more about me they can read my Bio or go to my profile page.
There has always been tension between the press and government regarding news coverage of matters of public interest. Unfortunately since 9/11 the "War on Terrorism" has somehow morphed into the "War on Photography." Visual journalists and citizens taking photographs or recording video in public places have been experiencing extraordinary interference nationwide from security personnel and law enforcement officials at all levels of government. This infringement upon protected First Amendment activities is often based on erroneous beliefs by those in authority that photography of certain public areas, buildings, landmarks or police officers may be prohibited because of anti-terrorism concerns.
Click here to read the complete article Photography & the Law: War on Photography.