Photo Taking Tips that will Help Show Hunting is Safe

Posted: August 28, 2012

Photo Taking Tips that will Help Show Hunting is SafeGoing hunting is an exciting event, many pictures are taken. How can you be sure that the pictures you take show that hunting is safe?

Photo Taking Tips that will Help Show Hunting is SafeGoing hunting is an exciting event, many pictures are taken. How can you be sure that the pictures you take show that hunting is safe?When it comes to taking good photographs, the experts often issue advice such as get close to the subject and follow the rule of thirds for composition. Those are great suggestions that can result in first-rate images, especially when combined with tips to ensure you’re portraying hunting as safe.

Many people hold the mistaken belief that hunting is unsafe. As hunters, we can’t emphasize enough that hunting is a safe activity the whole family can enjoy. With so many photos finding their way to Facebook, Flickr and other websites as well as magazines and newspapers, it’s important to take stock of what’s in the viewfinder.

I interviewed two experts from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: Travis Casper, state assistant hunter education coordinator, and Geoff Cantrell, public information officer. They provided the following advice on how your photos can send the right message, whether you’re a pro or an amateur photographer.

Read entire article Photo Taking Tips that will Help Show Hunting is Safe

Biz Tip provided by Tammy Sapp, Communications Director for Kalkomey.