PC security: Your Essential Software Toolbox

Posted: November 15, 2012

[caption id="attachment_10992" align="alignright" width="580"]Image Courtesy PCWorld[/caption]Computers continue to make our lives easier and increase our productivity. It can be a convenience that comes with a price, though. The more we rely on computers in our daily routines, the more vulnerable we are to attacks, viruses and scams. There are no absolute safeguards, but you can take steps to protect yourself from these threats. Taking a few minutes of your time, for prevention, now could mean saving you hours, days or weeks of downtime, in the event of a malicious attack, later.

[caption id="attachment_10992" align="alignright" width="580"]Image Courtesy PCWorld[/caption]Computers continue to make our lives easier and increase our productivity. It can be a convenience that comes with a price, though. The more we rely on computers in our daily routines, the more vulnerable we are to attacks, viruses and scams. There are no absolute safeguards, but you can take steps to protect yourself from these threats. Taking a few minutes of your time, for prevention, now could mean saving you hours, days or weeks of downtime, in the event of a malicious attack, later.

Mobile malware is getting lots of attention these days, but you can’t forget about your PC’s security—after all, you probably still use it to pay bills, shop online, and store sensitive documents. You should fully protect yourself to lessen the chance of cybercriminals infiltrating your computer and your online accounts, capturing your personal information, invading your privacy, and stealing your money and identity.

You need to guard against viruses, of course, but not all antivirus programs catch all threats, and some do better than others. You have to watch for many other types of threats, too: Malware invasions, hacking attacks, and cases of identify theft can originate from email, search engine results, websites, and social networks such as Facebook. They can also come in the form of links or advertisements for phishing and scam sites. But with some education on the topic, and the right tools, you can identify such scams and avoid falling victim.

If your children use your computer, you must also protect against inappropriate content such as violent games and adult sites, and you should monitor communication on social networks. Although the best approach is to keep a close eye on your kids while they use the computer, you can employ tools and services to filter content and monitor their Web usage when you’re not around.

Protecting your data from computer thieves and from people who tap in to your Wi-Fi signal is also important. Encrypting your computer is the only way to ensure that a thief cannot recover your files, passwords, and other data. And unless you password-protect and encrypt your wireless network, anyone nearby can connect to it, monitor your Internet usage, and possibly access your computers and files.

Here are the security threats you should watch for, and the tools you can use to protect against them.

Viruses and other malware

Viruses, spyware, and other types of malware are still prevalent, and cybercriminals are constantly finding new ways to infect computers. Although adult sites and illegal file-sharing sites have a reputation for harboring malware, you don’t have to browse the shady parts of the Web to become infected.

Read the entire article PC security: Your essential software toolbox at PCWorld.

Biz Tip Provided by PCWorld