Pay it Back, Pay it Forward – The Do’s for Helping in a Job Search

Posted: January 24, 2010

Paying it back and paying it forward is just the moral thing to do. In this economy, or any economy, helping people always pays dividends. Learn how with just a few minutes, you can lend a hand to those who are looking for a job.

Paying it back and paying it forward is just the moral thing to do. In this economy, or any economy, helping people always pays dividends. Learn how with just a few minutes, you can lend a hand to those who are looking for a job.

Pay it Back, Pay it Forward – The Do’s for Helping in a Job Search -- While it may be a generalization, so many of the “gainfully employed” are woefully ignorant of the nature of the job search and the incredible frustration endured by job seekers as they pursue the hunt. Sometimes it bears remembering that the shoe can be on the other foot. With this in mind here are a few do’s for those working stiffs who may be contacted by people looking to get out of the unemployment queue.


Biz Tip Website & Author: Talent Zoo

Gerry Corbett, is the PRJobCoach and CEO of Redphlag LLC, a strategy consultancy. Contact Gerry: gerard@corbett.org
Visit the PRJobCoach Web site.




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