[caption id="attachment_11542" align="alignright" width="442"]© ra2 studio - Fotolia.com[/caption]Every marketer and advertiser knows a message is only as strong as the visual that accompanies it. Well, visual advertising on Facebook just got a whole lot easier. The popular social networking site recently announced it’s new partnership with ShutterShock. If you’ve previously had to pay for images for your FB posts, ShutterShock will save you money.
[caption id="attachment_11542" align="alignright" width="442"]© ra2 studio - Fotolia.com[/caption]Every marketer and advertiser knows a message is only as strong as the visual that accompanies it. Well, visual advertising on Facebook just got a whole lot easier. The popular social networking site recently announced it’s new partnership with ShutterShock. If you’ve previously had to pay for images for your FB posts, ShutterShock will save you money.
Hubspot author Lisa Toner, shares the details about this exciting partnership.
We all know the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words," and that visual content makes our marketing even more impactful.
We also know that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery," so we were totally blushing when we heard about Facebook’s latest announcement. Not to be outdone by HubSpot’s awesome free stock photography giveaway, but Facebook does seem to be getting in on the free stock photo giveaway party.
Yesterday, Facebook and Shutterstock announced a partnership that will provide Facebook advertisers access to over 25 million stock photos for free. Yup -- you read that correctly! This is amazing news for marketers because, let’s face it, ensuring we have 100% authority to use an image we find online can be expensive, stressful, and scary.
Read the full article Facebook Partners With Shutterstock to Offer 25 Million FREE Stock Photos to Advertisers on HubSpot