Overwhelmed, Falling Behind, Beyond Stressed? Simple Tips to Survive

Posted: February 28, 2012

The doers - they're multi-tasker, help others, handle workload and family, and do it all with ease. That's a line of crap. Even the most efficient and skilled among us, and certainly  we mortal day trippers, hit crushing rough spots in life. Negative events in business and life throw hard, fast, curve balls, one after the other. Taking even one forward step can seem impossible. When you're stressing out, big time, employ a few practical tips to get back on track.

The doers - they're multi-tasker, help others, handle workload and family, and do it all with ease. That's a line of crap. Even the most efficient and skilled among us, and certainly  we mortal day trippers, hit crushing rough spots in life. Negative events in business and life throw hard, fast, curve balls, one after the other. Taking even one forward step can seem impossible. When you're stressing out, big time, employ a few practical tips to get back on track.

[caption id="attachment_9830" align="alignright" width="120"]© olly - Fotolia[/caption]

Bernie Michalik offers simple tips for managing bad times in his peice, When Bad Things Happen To Productive People. Acknowledge that the normal rules don't apply for the time being or focus on must-do-to-survive tasks and let others go, are just two pieces of his sage advise.

Before life leaves you screaming, or worse falling apart, take a few minutes to read the rest of his tips, so you can negate the next negative wave (is that a double negative?) that flows into your life.


Thanks Tammy Sapp for sharing this biz tip.