Overcome The Fear of Charging for Photography Services

Posted: January 13, 2015
Transform Fear Into Action ConceptCharging money for services can sometimes be uncomfortable. The fear of overcharging, and that clients may not be happy with the final product, lurks in the background. Get rid of fear, and other obstacles, when charging for your photography services.
Lynsey Mattingly, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to overcome the fear of charging people when it comes to photography.

7 Things That Keep You From Charging What You’re Worth (and how to get over them)

Charging people money is scary. Having people I’ve never met ask me to produce something I have metaphorically promised the world I can do at a professional level, that may or may not meet their expectations, is terrifying. There is so much I can’t control – the weather, the mood of everyone involved, my camera suddenly deciding to jam without warning, that nerve condition I Googled last night where something snaps in your eyeball without warning and you go blind in mere seconds. Never mind that every single time I leave my house, I’m pretty sure that I am completely out of any possible creativity, creativity that will never renew itself, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone realizes I’m just a fraud that got lucky for a while. And that’s on a good day. I get hired repeatedly by my clients, seem to be able to pull off a shoot in most elements, and as of yet, that nerve hasn’t snapped in my eyeball. However if you look at my pricing comparatively for my area, my pricing history, or ask my mom, I am not charging enough. Read the entire article 7 Things That Keep You From Charging What You’re Worth (and How to Get Over Them) on Digital Photography School.