Overcome Fear and Anxiety

Posted: June 22, 2015
[caption id="attachment_12352" align="alignright" width="345"]images Image from dumblittleman.com[/caption] Almost everyone has some fear or anxiety in day-to-day living. Stress at work or personal problems can easily bring on anxiety, and the thought of public speaking may paralyze you. Learn to overcome fear and anxiety when facing difficult situations. Dita Peskova, writer for Dumb Little Man, shares how to overcome fear and anxiety.

5 Tricks How to Overcome Anxiety and Fears

Our brain is an amazing tool that makes us who we are. Unfortunately, it cares more about surviving than our happiness and for that reason, it sometimes makes calculations that can make our lives quite difficult. We all have fears, anxieties, thoughts or beliefs that hold us back.
Though, in some instances, we can be in control or even terminate these negative thoughts and beliefs. I put together five techniques that I use in my practice to give my clients extra tools they can use in their day-to-day life. Not all of them will work for everyone, as we all are different and have different preferences, but I recommend trying them to see which one feels the best for you. 1. Spin It Around This technique works very well for anxieties or an unwanted thought or feeling. When you feel the emotion you do not want, close your eyes and ask yourself: “If this feeling was somewhere in my body, where would it be?” “If it was and object, what would it be”? “If it were spinning, what direction it would be spinning?” Read the entire article 5 Tricks How to Overcome Anxiety and Fears on Dumb Little Man.