Overcome Distractions at Work

Posted: July 07, 2015
overcoming-office-distractions.jpegOne reason for low productivity at work is office distractions. From co-workers chatting to having easy access to the Internet, distractions are at an all time high. Overcome these distractions and get more work done. Lindsay Kolowich, writer for Hubspot, shares how to overcome distractions in the office.

Can't Focus? 5 Ways to Overcome Distractions at Work

How often have you or one of your coworkers uttered the phrase, "I wish there were more hours in a day"? Between work, your commute, the gym, cooking, kids, happy hours, baseball games, knitting, your band, and whatever else it is you try to squeeze in -- oh yeah, I almost forgot sleep -- it can be hard to accept that 24 hours in a day is all you get. But acceptance is the first step. The second? Making the most of your time at work so you can get more done in less time. Learning how to maximize your time will lead you to perform better, feel better, and allow you to give your all to the slew of things you do outside of work that make you the human you are. We get it, though. Sometimes the office can feel like a game of whack-a-mole -- you never know where the next distraction will come from. (And it can be stressful as heck.) To help you be more productive at work, here are five tips for how to avoid and overcome distractions at the office. But first, do a time audit. The biggest mistake people make when trying to increase their productivity? Not taking the time to learn what it is that distracts them. Read the entire article Can't Focus? 5 Ways to Overcome Distractions at Work on Hubspot.