Overcome Bad Photography Habits
Posted: July 25, 2017
Bad habits are often associated with being a danger to one's well-being. However, bad habits can also interfere with your professional skills, including photography. The first step to overcoming them is to identify what they are, and work on developing good habits to counter the bad. These are the most common photography bad habits, and what you can do to conquer them.
Stacey Hill, writer for Digital Photography School, shares photography bad habits to overcome.
Let’s define what a bad habit is first; A habitual behavior considered to be detrimental to one’s wellbeing. However, this can be extended into learning a new skill set (like photography) where you may develop habits that can inhibit your learning progression, or even cause you physical injury.
Before you can fix or adjust a bad habit, first you have to identify it. There is a good chance that a majority of photographers pick up or share the same habits, so maybe you can learn from my list. Possibly you are doing some of the same things. If you are lucky you aren’t doing all of them and this will help you avoid picking up any new photography bad habits.
There is little as heartbreaking as downloading your photos from a shoot to find you did a really stupid thing like have your ISO really high, or the wrong white balance setting or some other silly thing. Take the time to develop good habits and break any bad ones you might have.
Confession Time
Most of the following are simple stupid things, stuff that doesn’t take a lot of time to think about or do but is easy to put aside for later. Except later usually doesn’t come, and then you pay the price.
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10 Photography Bad Habits for You to Conquer on
Digital Photography School.