Organize Your Digital Life

Posted: May 07, 2014
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Living in the digital world mean access to more files, more pictures....more just about everything. That also means more chances for disorganization. Keep your digital life organized by using these five easy tips.

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Living in the digital world mean access to more files, more pictures....more just about everything. That also means more chances for disorganization. Keep your digital life organized by using these five easy tips.

Dave Jeffers, writer for BrandPost, shares five easy ways to organize your digital life.

Five Easy Tips For a More Organized Digital Life

We’ve put our whole lives into our computers, tablets, smartphones, and everything else we attach to the Internet. We’ve got our work mixed in with our private lives, old projects mixed in with new, and music on one device that we want to play on another. All this technology is supposed to make our lives easier, but all too often, it’s just plain inconvenient.

Here are a few tips and tricks to put your digital world in order, and make your life easier for real. [This is a sponsored article written by IDG Creative Lab, a partner of PCWorld, and not by PCWorld's editorial staff.]

Organize your libraries by content, not file type

You’re working on a complex report. You’ve got spreadsheets, documents, photos, and so on. Do the photos belong in My Pictures? Of course not. Keep all of the files for a single project in a single folder. Better yet, put two folders in My Documents: Work and Home, and put your project folders in there.

Read the entire article Five Easy Tips For a More Organized Digital Life on PC World.