Optimize Blog Content to Rank Well on Google

Posted: September 16, 2019
Getting a blog to rank high on Google's search results isn't luck. There are many elements that you need to pay attention to in order to help optimize your content. The development of tools by SEO experts has made things a little easier, but there are still steps you need to take to help ensure a higher ranking. Follow these suggestions for creating content that will help you do well in search engine results. Tino Triste, Search Strategy Director at Tecmark and contributor to Daily Blog Tips, shares steps to help your blog rank well in Google's search results.

When it comes to your blog’s position within search engine results, there’s far more than just sheer luck at play.

Search Engine Optimisation is a skill that any content creator – professional or amateur – should develop in order to make their content as discoverable as possible. It involves making certain tweaks to your blog and its content in order to improve their position and visibility online.

While SEO and content marketing experts have developed specialist tools to launch your posts as far up the ranks as possible, there’s also a great deal of groundwork that you can do yourself for free. Here, I’ll provide a few useful tips to help you improve your blog content SEO.

  1. Carefully Curate Your Posts

One of the most vital parts of SEO is to make sure that every piece of content you put out is worthwhile. It doesn’t matter how much technical optimisation you undertake if you’re not posting things that are unique, useful, accurate, relevant and up to date.

Read the entire post, 3 Ways to Optimise Blog Content so it Ranks Well on Google, on Daily Blog Tips.