Video content is one of todays biggest weapons on the web for trafficking viewers. When I say video, most people immediately picture the bright red logo of Youtube. Youtube is the best and most efficient online resource for video content.
Video content is one of todays biggest weapons on the web for trafficking viewers. When I say video, most people immediately picture the bright red logo of Youtube. Youtube is the best and most efficient online resource for video content.
Video is one of the most appealing media types today. There is just something about video that the human mind cannot resist. By knowing how to add video content to your website or Facebook page, you can create some great traffic and through a very simple process. Here are some ways you can spice up your Facebook page or website with Youtube video content.
With an endless amount of video content on the web, it is foolish to not use the content available to draw traffic to your site. Youtube is the webs largest source for video content and all of its videos are at your fingertips to use. There are a couple ways to add video onto Facebook and with about 30 seconds of your time you can add some great content to your page.
One way to add Youtube video to your Facebook page is directly through Youtube. First, you need to go on Youtube and select your desired video. Once you know what video to use you need to go under the video frame where there is a button that says "Share". Click the "Share" button and you will see a drop down box which consists of the video link and some icons for Facebook and twitter. Click on the "Facebook" icon and you will see a window pop up from facebook. You can choose one of several sharing options and customize the captions and subtitle for the video. Once you have got everything how you want it, you simply push the "Share Link" button and your video will go to your Facebook.[caption id="attachment_8947" align="alignright" width="663"]Photo courtesy of HTML Goodies[/caption]
Another easy way to add video to your Facebook page is by simply selecting the link for the Youtube video and pasting it in the "Update Status" text box on your wall. The video will automatically pop up for you to customize and in seconds you can have a video on your wall. This way only allows you to add a video to your page, but you can go to another friend's page and add the link to their "Update Status" text box.
Know that you know how to use Youtube content on your Facebook page, we are going to look at how Youtube video can be used on websites. The process seems tougher compared to the Facebook way, however it is still a moderately easy thing to accomplish.
In order to add Youtube video to your website, you need to go to the Youtube video that you would like to add. Once you find your video, you need to click on the "Share" button. The Share options menu will drop down and you will see a button at the bottom of the options box that says "Embed". Click on the "Embed" button and you will see a text box with the videos embed code. Copy the embed code and open the source code of your web page. Paste the embed code into your page and once you save the page you should be able to view the video on the website. The video can be viewed in your browser if you upload it to your web server using an FTP client. We all need to really appreciate Youtube for making jobs like this almost too simple to be true.
Biz-Tip source: Professional Outdoor Media Association
Author: Justin Morrissey