[caption id="attachment_11990" align="alignright" width="640"]Image from: blog.hubspot.com[/caption]When it comes to writing content, any help can make the process go more smoothly. The problem is, it can be difficult to find helpful tools. Luckily, these ten online tools can help when it comes putting out great content.
[caption id="attachment_11990" align="alignright" width="640"]Image from: blog.hubspot.com[/caption]When it comes to writing content, any help can make the process go more smoothly. The problem is, it can be difficult to find helpful tools. Luckily, these ten online tools can help when it comes putting out great content.
Korah Morrison, writer for Social Media Today, shares ten great online tools for writers to use.
They say that to copy one person is plagiarism, but to copy many people is research. If you think you may have been “researching” a little too hard, then you can use Copyscape to check your work and see if more than 5% is copied verbatim. If more than 5% is copied verbatim then you need to do a little rewriting.
Read the entire article Top 10 Online Tools That Every Content Writer Must Know on Social Media Today.