Michael Oswald's signature photo art has nothing to do with the outdoors, but everything to do with photo art, the future of imagery, a creative mind and talent. Imagine someone taking Oswald's processes and applying them to outdoor imagery. You've gotta check this out!
Michael Oswald's signature photo art has nothing to do with the outdoors, but everything to do with photo art, the future of imagery, a creative mind and talent. Imagine someone taking Oswald's processes and applying them to outdoor imagery. You've gotta check this out!
A post on boredpanda.com shows the amazing before and after artwork of 30-something Oswald.
"My style is best described as 'photo-manipulation on steroids' combining unique Photoshop techniques and digital painting," Oswald says. "With the exception of the original digital photograph, my work is created entirely on a computer utilizing my knowledge of digital techniques and the traditional art skills I learned in my younger days."
Images ©michelo, Michael Owsald, http://www.bymichaelo.com