News is Alive & Well - Deliver It Where it Counts - Digitally

Posted: March 20, 2012

State of the News Media in 2012, Web Dominates News Audience GrowthAre you delivering news in a way American news hounds wish to receive it? Apps and home pages are today's newspapers. A Pew Research Center study, State of the News Media in 2012, shows 27-percent get their news on mobile devices, and don't use search engines or social media to do so.

State of the News Media in 2012, Web Dominates News Audience GrowthAre you delivering news in a way American news hounds wish to receive it? Apps and home pages are today's newspapers. A Pew Research Center study, State of the News Media in 2012, shows 27-percent get their news on mobile devices, and don't use search engines or social media to do so.

With 44-percent of American's owning a smartphone and 18-percent owning a tablet, the news access numbers will grow. Newspapers aren't dead, they're just different. Deliver news accordingly to reach consumers.

Study factoids:

Americans are now fully into the digital era. More than three-quarters of U.S. adults own a laptop or desktop computer. On top of that, 44% now own a smartphone, and tablet ownership is now at 18%, up from just 11% in the summer of 2011.

News is a significant part of how people use these devices. Some 51% of smartphone owners use that device to get news, as do 56% of tablet owners. And nearly a quarter of the population, 23%, now gets news on multiple digital devices, according to PEJ research.

Just 10% of digital news consumers use social networks “very often” to get their news, which may come as a surprise to those of us glued to Twitter and Facebook for breaking news updates.

Key Findings of the State of the News Media in 2012 Study


Thanks to POMA Media Member and photographer Tony Bynum for recommending this study information with POMA's membership