Never Hit the Backspace

Posted: August 17, 2013

[caption id="attachment_11501" align="alignright"]© Yong Hian Lim - Fotolia.com[/caption]Writing and editing should be two completely different processes. Writing should be the act of putting the words down, as they come – without hitting the backspace. Editing comes after writing, to make changes and corrections. Learn to separate the two, and you'll be a more efficient writer.

[caption id="attachment_11501" align="alignright"]© Yong Hian Lim - Fotolia.com[/caption]Writing and editing should be two completely different processes. Writing should be the act of putting the words down, as they come – without hitting the backspace. Editing comes after writing, to make changes and corrections. Learn to separate the two, and you'll be a more efficient writer.

Never Hit the Backspace....at least not when you are writing. The Backspace key is supposed to be used when you are editing your piece, and not when you are writing it. Those are two separate processes, and if you don’t separate them your productivity as a writer will be terrible.

If you work online you know that content is the corner stone of any blog or website. The more unique and useful content you publish, the better. In fact even Google likes that. The more content you put on your website, the higher the trust Google will have on it.

The question then becomes: how can you increase your productivity as a writer so that you can write more content (without compromising the quality, obviously). One trick most people don’t use is to separate the writing and the editing processes.

Most people write like these: they write a couple of words, re-read what they just wrote, think about it, delete one word, and then proceed to finish the sentence. As you can see, the process is very inefficient, because you are doing many things at the same time.

A much better approach is to separate the two things. First you’ll write. During this phase your goal is to simply put words down. You shouldn’t care if they make sense, or if they are grammatically correct. You should just write the words down.

Read the entire article Never Hit the Backspace, at DailyBlogTips.