Networking at Events: Be Good, Nice and Awesome

Posted: September 04, 2012

Trade shows are a fantastic opportunity to do a lot of networking. Make sure you're prepared to get the most out of the shows you attend.

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Trade shows are a fantastic opportunity to do a lot of networking. Make sure you're prepared to get the most out of the shows you attend.

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Question: What are the best networking tactics for conferences and trade shows?

More than anything, getting results at trade shows requires a clear concept of what you want to accomplish – and when in doubt, go with my mantra: Be good and be nice.

The friendships you make at trade shows can make your career. Genuine friendships almost always result in commissions.

The key here is they have to be real, and you can’t fake that. There are some basic rules and guidelines to making this happen: ways to approach, ways to request a review or follow-up call. However, the best results come from not looking for results. It is a meditative practice of nonattachment. Being your true self – without reservation – will draw people to you and your work.

Read entire article Networking at Events: Be Good, Nice and Awesome

Biz Tip provided by Tony Bynum