Move Out of a Photography Comfort Zone
Posted: September 18, 2018
Staying safely within a comfort zone rarely leads to excelling at anything, and the same is true with photography. Challenging yourself and taking risks can result in creativity magic. Stepping out of your photography comfort zone will help you become more creative, push yourself beyond your limits and end up with results you may have never imagined.
Kevin Landwer-Johan, writer for Digital Photography School, shares how to push past your comfort zone to get more creative in photography.
You’re not likely to ever excel at anything unless you push past what you normally do and exit your comfort zone. That’s unless you’re the type of person who’s not comfortable unless they are constantly taking risks.
Becoming more creative with photography requires you to seek out new subjects. It means trying different techniques. It demands you tackle the difficult and uncomfortable at times.
Most creatives seek to improve on what they have already achieved. This can mean photographing what they normally photograph different and better. It could mean working in whole other genre of photography altogether. Both approaches are challenging and vulnerable to failures.
How can you step out beyond your comfort zone and experience real magic in creativity?
Read the entire article
The Magic of Creativity Rarely Happens in Your Comfort Zone on
Digital Photography School.