Most Effective Forms of Internet Marketing

Posted: October 13, 2014
[caption id="attachment_12064" align="alignright" width="300"]Email and Social Media Are Best Internet Marketing Tactics Image from socialmediatoday.com[/caption]

Marketing has been the main choice to grow your business for many, many years. However, internet marketing has become the next big thing in recent years. Email and social media marketing are the top internet marketing tools today, use them effectively to get the word out.

Peter Roesler, writer for Social Media Today, shares why email and social media marketing top the list for best internet marketing.

Email and Social Media Are Best Internet Marketing Tactics

Just as there’s more than one way to skin a cat (not that we recommend any of them), there’s more than one way to do internet marketing. With the increase in smartphone and tablet ownership, along with greater access to fast, mobile internet, marketers can now reach just about every consumer in America through some form of email marketing, SEO or content marketing, display ads, social media and so one. Though all methods are useful, they aren’t equal in effectiveness. A recent study asked marketing professionals ranked each tactic email and social media are ahead of SEO in the rankings. This article will discuss some of the other findings of the study and what they mean for marketing.

Gigaom and Extole recently released a study based on the survey responses from 300 digital marketers in the U.S. of companies of various sizes. They were asked questions about which marketing tactics they used, their plans for the future, and how effective they felt each tactic was. Despite the amount of attention marketers give to Google and Facebook email was the digital tactic used the most often by the respondents. Email was used by 86 percent of the respondents regularly. Read the entire article Email and Social Media Are Best Internet Marketing Tactics on Social Media Today.