Editors aren’t tired of queries and you shouldn’t be either! Make the most of the next freelance writing opportunity posted at Money Line by unleashing a query editors can’t resist.
While it may be tempting to call an editor or drop them an email requesting an assignment, you probably won’t get your foot in the door with that tactic. But wow them with a brilliant story angle packaged in a tantalizing query, and you’ll be cashing checks in no time.
Editors aren’t tired of queries and you shouldn’t be either! Make the most of the next freelance writing opportunity posted at Money Line by unleashing a query editors can’t resist.
While it may be tempting to call an editor or drop them an email requesting an assignment, you probably won’t get your foot in the door with that tactic. But wow them with a brilliant story angle packaged in a tantalizing query, and you’ll be cashing checks in no time.
Land more assignments with the following tips:
[caption id="attachment_8095" align="alignright"]Bored editor? No assignment. © goodluz - Fotolia.com[/caption]It’s good to get a little fresh
What editors look for besides accurate, lively and concise writing is a story angle that’s so juicy they can’t resist it. Filling a year’s worth of magazines or keeping a steady stream of new content on a website takes lots of good ideas, more than an editor alone can generate. Become their favorite team player by giving your story idea a unique tweak.
Don’t cast too wide of a net
Submitting an all encompassing idea may sound like a good way to seal the deal but the broad idea can backfire. The editor may not understand where you plan to take the piece, or he or she may be concerned the article will be too long to sustain the reader’s interest. There's a world of difference between "How to Bowhunt" and "Bowhunters: Avoid Three Common Scent-Control Mistakes." The second idea tells the editor what they can expect. It’s also more likely to tempt readers who will wonder if THEY are making those common mistakes.
If you have a “big” idea, try pitching it as a series. It could mean more money in your pocket and the start of a beautiful relationship with the editor.
Go the extra mile
Not only should your query ooze with style and pizzazz, grab the editor’s attention with your presentation of ideas and sheer knowledge.
Bow Down to the Basics
Your query is a chance to showcase your knowledge of proper style and grammar. You’ll also get a leg up on the competition by doing the following:
Make 2011 the year of the irresistible idea and the non-dreary query!