Mobile Friendly Website Checklist

Posted: November 17, 2014
187625854Browsing online with a smartphone can be easy and painless, or frustrating and time consuming. Whether a website is mobile friendly, or not, has a huge impact on how users view the site. Make your site easy to use and mobile ready for customers with this step by step checklist. Jessica Plunkett, writer for Hubspot, shares how to make your site mobile user friendly.

A Step-by-Step Checklist to Making Your Website Mobile Friendly

Optimizing your web presence for mobile is a digital marketing no-brainer. With more than 60% of U.S. adults owning a smartphone and more than half of consumers saying they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t work right on mobile (Business2Community 2014), it’s not a question of when to establish a mobile presence, it’s a matter of how best to execute it. Here is a 10-point mobile-preparedness checklist to get you on the fast-track to mobile success.AS consumers 1) Answer the question – what information do mobile visitors need from my website? Do they need contact information? The ability to log into their account? Information about products and services? Make sure you know what your audience needs before moving on to the next steps. 2) Make a decision regarding mobile-specific or responsive design The answer to question #1 should help you decide whether mobile-specific or responsive design is best for your audience. If visitors expect the same experience as the desktop environment, responsive design is the right direction. Read the entire article A Step-by-Step Checklist to Making Your Website Mobile Friendly on Hubspot.