Mental Health+Fly Fishing

Posted: March 20, 2024
Many of my greatest days are spent on the water casting, mending, switching patterns, fly-fishing. None of my worst days are spent like this. Bad days can usually be traced back to some form of work or school. Sadly for you and me, fly-fishing doesn't often pay the bills...but that doesn't mean it isn't a worthwhile pursuit. And let me be clear here: this biz tip is not reserved strictly for fly-fishing! This one can be applied to whatever (legal) outdoor activity makes you happy. There's certainly been more of a focus on mental-health care in the business world over the last decade or so, but that doesn't mean we're trending in the right direction.  According to most research, we're not. So, today, I wanted to share the following article by Melissa Ceren, a licensed counselor and fly-fishing guru. This article provides great insight, from an expert, as to why outdoor activities such as fly-fishing are such positive forces in our lives.

Mental Health and Fly Fishing

Go fishing, feel better. Simple, right?

As a mental health therapist, my number one recommendation to clients is to go for a walk outside for at least 30 minutes per day. I even take some of my clients for walks during our sessions. I do this because studies show a myriad of associated health benefits. Click HERE for the full article.