As is the case with just about everything, it turns out that marketing strategies don't stay the same for long. You may have a plan that's working great for you, but it could be on the list of the tactics that could be in danger of fading away in 2018. Learn what trends could be at risk, and take steps to correct them proactively.
When it comes to marketing tactics, unfortunately there is no "Best if Used By" dates. But that doesn't mean what worked last year -- or even last week -- will work today. In fact, some of the most popular digital marketing trends have reached the end of their shelf life and are well beyond their expiration dates.
As you are updating your inbound marketing strategies for 2018, consider tossing out these overused, under-performing marketing trends to make room for strategies that increase brand awareness, capture qualified leads, and help your sales teams increase revenue. Read the entire article on Hubspot.